by smartport | Oct 31, 2019 | ENGMOVING, News
Rotterdam, 30 October 2019 – SmartPort, the knowledge platform of Rotterdam, organised the SmartPort Summit for the third time yesterday. Realised impact is shared during this annual event. The knowledge that has been developed from more than 45 completed...
by smartport | Jul 5, 2019 | Impactstory, Impactstory – Smart Logistics, Impactverhaal – Smart Logistics
Smart Shipping In the series of impact stories from SmartPort; driver of port innovation SmartPort: the (knowledge) hub for Smart Shipping Technological innovations follow each other in rapid succession. This also applies to the maritime sector. The presentation of...
by smartport | Jun 3, 2019 | Impactstory, Impactstory - Smart Energy, Impactverhaal – Smart Energy
Developing a more sustainable port In the series of impact stories from SmartPort; driver of port innovation Acceleration A drastic reduction of CO₂ in the port of Rotterdam is needed. A major challenge for Europe’s largest petrochemical cluster. In order to...
by smartport | May 6, 2019 | Impactstory, Impactstory - Futureproof Port Infrastructure, Impactverhaal – Futureproof Port Infrastructure
Smart quay walls in the port of Rotterdam In the series of impact stories from SmartPort; driver of port innovation Imagine that physical inspection of quay walls is reduced to a minimum. Sensors monitor the condition of your quay and determine whether you can...
by smartport | Mar 28, 2019 | Impactstory, Impactstory - Smart Strategy, Impactverhaal – Smart Strategy
In de serie impactverhalen van SmartPort; aanjager van haveninnovatie Rotterdams bedrijfsleven omarmt truck platooning Vanaf 2022 moeten er 100 truck platoons per dag uit de Rotterdamse haven vertrekken met goederen bestemd voor het Europese achterland. Daarmee is...