Our Team

Meet the team! Asking questions is the base of innovation. Asking questions to get at the right knowledge is essential.We focus on your questions and encourage the Port of Rotterdam community to share these questions together with Science and the Government. We make progress with the right knowledge, the right answers and the right innovations.

This is how we make the difference, We are SmartPort.

Marlies Sikken_SmartPort

Marlies Sikken
Managing Director

Noah Verel_SmartPort

Project developer Energy & Industry

Nikki op ten Berg_SmartPort

Nikki op ten Berg
Communications advisor

Sophie Broere_team_SmartPort

Sophie Broere
Project developer Smart Logistics

Ninny Reinders_SmartPort

Ninny Reinders
Office Manager

Wiebe de Boer_SmartPort

Wiebe de Boer
Project developer Futureproof Port

Remi van der Wijk_SmartPort

Remi van der Wijk
Project developer Futureproof Port

Robert van der Linden
Advisor Port of Rotterdam Authority, secretary SmartPort Board