The Future Scenarios of Global Hydrogen Trade
Last Thursday, the SmartPort Community session about the impact of geopolitical developments on the future global hydrogen trade took place. We discussed the eight investment strategies for the Port Industrial Cluster and government organisations during the session.
After a clear presentation by Wouter Jacobs and Amit Arkhipov-Goyal about the research, we put the participants to work in break-out groups with their chosen investment strategy. Important take-away:
‘The strategy to diversify in energy supply, energy sources and energy carriers is a crucial element in the hydrogen market. Do we ‘leave no man behind’ in trying to develop the hydrogen technology and market everywhere, or should we be more selective in choosing who our trade partners are going to be?’ – Noah Verel, Project Developer Energy & Industry at SmartPort
For more information about this research, contact Noah Verel.
The future of hydrogen is heavily dependent on geopolitical developments in this world. How can we make smart investments for the role of hydrogen in the energy transition? Researchers from DRIFT, Erasmus UPT, TU Delft and CIEP jointly examined the impact of geopolitics on future hydrogen trade for the Netherlands and the ARRRA cluster (Antwerp-Rotterdam-Rhine-Ruhr Area) based on future scenarios. This research has shown that geopolitical stability has huge implications for energy security.
On Thursday, the 20th of April from 3-5 pm, we will organize the Hydrogen to be Community session at the Schielandshuis Rotterdam. During this event, the focus will be on the 8 investment strategies for (port) industry and government regarding the role of hydrogen in the energy transition. We would like to invite you to learn more about the results of this research project and discuss the results and possibilities for follow-up research together with the partners of this research. Join us and register for free.
Investment strategies for the Port Industrial Cluster
During this research, four future scenarios were developed for the potential international hydrogen trade. The researchers then considered social, economic, environmental, political and technical aspects affecting the development and implementation of hydrogen in the energy mix of the ARRRA cluster. This approach resulted in eight investment strategies for the Port Industrial Cluster and government organisations, which indicate the range for solid investments. .
A number of key players in Rotterdam’s future hydrogen trade (BP, Deltalinqs, Municipality of Rotterdam, Shell, VARO Energy and Vopak) contributed their knowledge and experience to validate the research. Partners in this project are knowledge hub SmartPort, the Resilient Delta initiative ( a Convergence program of Erasmus University, TU Delft and Erasmus MC), the Port of Rotterdam Authority and the Province of South Holland.
More information
For more information about this session, mail to communicatie@smartport.nl or call +31 (0)10-4020338. After registration, you will receive the confirmation.
The Program
14:45 Doors open
15:00 Start Community session
17:00 Expected end of the session, start networking drinks