
In order to get acquainted with and experience aspects of synchromodal transport, serious gaming has been introduced, in this case called synchrogaming.



Serious gaming allows users to practise and experience situations and changes in a simplified environment. Used in the fields of synchromodal transport and new transport concepts it is called synchogaming. Participants are able to experience all kinds of implications and aspects of synchromodal transport. The effects of innovations, measures and alternatives can be tried and tested. This may also result into new insights that can actually be applied in reality.


  • Experience – The participants can experience new concepts in a safe environment and can get to understand the effects of certain measures and actions of either themselves or others.
  • Provide new insights – The games could provide significant improvement points that can be applied in reality.
  • Enhance cooperation – Gaming enhances cooperation, relationships, trust and mutual understanding and helps recognizing each and everyone’s role within the transport chains.


  • Recognizability – The game must be of good quality, containing a recognizable playing field, with common or realistic situations (cases) and a suitable set of rules with customized detailing. The game must deliver results that are actually valuable.
  • Engagement – Participants must be willing to play the game.


  • Insight into synchromodality – Synchrogaming enhances insight into synchromodal transport and its importance among all participants involved.
  • Shared ambition – Synchrogaming contributes to a defined, shared ambition.
  • Verified improvement measures – Playing the game provides actual, specific improvement measures.


Port of Amsterdam Authority, Port of Rotterdam Authority, InThere, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, ProRail, Rijkswaterstaat, The Barn, TKI-Dinalog, TNO, TU Delft (Delft University of Technology).

Synchrogaming - synchromodal transport serious gaming

“Gaming has shown that cooperation offers many opportunities for doing hinterland transport by rail better and more efficiently.”

Pim Steenhuis

Havenbedrijf Amsterdam

“Synchrogaming, a creative way to achieve new collaborations.”

Jan Egbertsen

Port of Amsterdam Authority

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Contact our project developer Roy van den Berg for more information about these and other projects and how you can be part of the SmartPort Community.

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