Port Constructor

Research: 2016-2018, 2021-2022

Port Constructor is a serious game, a game environment in which the player gains insight into what is involved in managing and developing a port.



Port Constructor is a serious game. The game environment provides the player insight into the aspects of managing and developing a port. The player is the port authority and has the task, in a chosen scenario, to develop a port area. Which choices can or have to be made? Do new port areas need to be developed? Does new infrastructure need to be created? To which parties are the port plots rented out? Who will the partners be? The game challenges the player to make choices while taking into account the three p’s of people, planet and profit.

Scenarios that can be chosen concern the energy transition (at different speeds), labour-related developments and developments in transport flows: synchromodality. The game can be used for and by students and port professionals at companies and port-related organizations.

The port game SimPort-MV2 from 2007 is outdated. Port Constructor is a completely new port game. In contrast to the previous game, the new game is played individually and scores can be compared with other players. The online game is responsive, which means that it can be played on any device, smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC. The maximum playing time is 2 x 45 minutes with short missions of 15 minutes. The port of Rotterdam is the first port area that is developed as a game environment in Port Constructor, but in principle any other existing port area can be developed in the game as well.


  • Applicable to every port – All situations and interactions occurring in a real port area can be simulated. Initially for the port of Rotterdam, but development of the game for other real or virtual ports is also possible.
  • Playing with scenarios – The game offers various scenarios in the field of energy transition (different end results possible, for example 60% or 98% CO2 emission reduction) and synchromodality (shifting in transport flows).
  • The game challenges us to learn about port development – This serious game is challenging and can be deployed within the port sector in Rotterdam and beyond and thus offers the opportunity to deepen and broaden the insight into port development.
  • Handy – Because the game is responsive and online, it can be played anywhere and on any device.
  • Expertise – The Port Authority can deploy the game to display its own expertise in port development. The game is a tool in the profiling of the international consultancy offerings for the development of ports elsewhere.
  • Recruitment communications – Companies and educational institutions can offer the game to students and interested professionals.


  • Building realistic game content – Realistic scenarios have to be built into the game in the field of automation, digitalization and energy transition. In the scenarios, concrete choices must be offered with regard to the three p’s of people, planet and profit and available space in the port.
  • Attractive game to play – The players can play realistic scenarios that could actually occur in the future. This makes the game attractive and challenging.


Playful introduction to port development – Through a challenging game environment, stakeholders will gain deeper and broader insight into port development and the impact of trends and developments on this.


Port of Rotterdam Authority, STC, Unesco IHE/IHE Delft, TU Delft, InThere.

‘World Class insights through a World Class Port Development Learning Game’

Brenda Bussum

Project Coordinator, Port of Rotterdam Authority - Port of Rotterdam International

This project is part of the Futureproof Port Infrastructure roadmap. For more information about this project or this roadmap, please contact project developer Wiebe de Boer.